Oatmeal for better skin!

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Im sure you have heard about oatmeal masks, oatmeal scrubs, and so on, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself why this seemingly unimpressive ingredient just keeps popping up in all of these natural skin care routines? 

oatmeal and it's benefits

It's simply because it works! 

It contains amino acids, which act as building blocks for the body, helping to rebuild tissue and promote healing. When applying oatmeal as mask or a scrub, your skin can absorb these, thus helping your face heal faster from blemishes and old scars. It is also hypoallergenic and it's soothing properties are great for sensitive skin. 

And even though oatmeal alone does not moisturize your skin, it is an humectant, which means that it helps your skin retain moisture. When you make a mask that includes other skin-hydrating ingredients, it can deliver a glowing appearance.  

oatmeal for skin

But one of the best features of this wonderful grain is it's exfoliating properties, 

The course, granular texture of oatmeal makes it an effective exfoliant. Exfoliation sloughs away dry, dead skin cells to make way for fresh, healthy ones. When you include the use of an oatmeal scrub into your daily routine, the exfoliation and  the amino acids helping your skin heal and restore itself promote vibrant, younger-looking skin. 

In order for this to work wonders for your skin, there is one thing you absolutely need, and that is consistency, even committing to using the oatmeal scrub 3 times a week can make a difference, although you can certainly use this method for your everyday skin care routine, as it is gentle, soothing and effective! 

Make it or get it

Making this skin care staple can be as easy as picking up oat flour in the supermarket, or grinding the oats yourself to the finest texture you are able to, and if you are not the Diy type, you can pick up our Clay and Oatmeal mask, which has the benefits of the oatmeal, plus the wonders the natural clays can bring to your complexion! 

To make this, simply take your oats, and mix water until you get the consistency of a runny paste, (you don't want it to thick otherwise it will be hard to get it to stay on your face) .

 oat and clay mask

You can use the Clay and Oatmeal mask as a daily skin cleanser, by making a much thinner mask, about 2 parts water to 1 part clay mask. You want to use this method if you are planning on using it everyday, so it doesn't dry out your skin. 

clay and oatmeal mask

Harness the power of oatmeal, to reveal a brighter and clearer complexion! Need a bit more inspo? Watch the oatmeal scrub in action on the video below! 


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Welcome sis👋🏼Salam aleikum!

My name is Claudia Nour, and I write about modest makeup and all-natural, gentle skincare from an Islamic perspective.
I also created a line of all-natural, halal, and wudhu-friendly cosmetics so you can take care of your skin, feel confident without compromising your faith!

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