Salam aleikum sis!
Getting started making your very own halal beauty products might seem intimidating,
but let me tell you that if you have been wondering if it's possible for you to have handcrafted,
all natural,
ethical and
amazing makeup and skin care....
you have come to the right place,
and the answer is YES!
You may or may not know about the Halal beauty lab, but either way, what i want to do in this post, is just explore the many reasons why you might want to jump headfirst into the world of DIY halal beauty,
With over a decade of crafting the skin care and makeup many of you have come to love, I’m excited to share the world of crafting beauty with you!
Why DIY Beauty?
At this point in time, I see DIY beauty as positive resistance.
When making our own beauty products we first resist capitalism and over comsuption.
We also resist unethical practices from companies that oppress minorities and people at a disadvantage. Nothing more ethical and fair trade than the work of your own hands.
We don't have to worry about companies that enable atrocities to our muslims brothes and sisters all around the world when the making is in our hands.
We also resist toxic beauty standards.
If there is one thing that changed for me in this last ten years of both being muslim (Alhamdulillah) and owning my business, is separating myself from beauty trends created by mainstream brands.
When you make your own halal makeup and skin care, you can focus on what your skin needs, on what really makes you feel confident when it comes to makeup and you can skip all the trends that that are not beneficial in any way.
Trends come and go, and they are always based on a company's desire to get you to spend money on things you don't actually need. Another red lisptick to add to the 7 you already have? Another contour palette when you haven't made a dent on the ones you have? when you make your own, you will make what you want, without unnecesary spending or waste.
Is Halal Beauty any different than just regular DIY beauty?
DIY Halal beauty, in my own estimation, includes all requirements many of us are searching for, it's not just about halal ingredients, no no no,
Beauty that is Halal should be one that encompasses our relationship to ourselves, but also a relation ship to nature.
So in the Halal Beauty Lab we are working with these goals in mind:
- Natural Ingredients
- Good for you skin care
- Formulas and recipes that are tried and tested
- Ethical consumption
- Saving Money
- Saving the environment
- Better skin and improved confidence
- (BONUS)Being the best gift giver
So, DIY Halal beauty natural products that aim to benefit us in many ways.
How can I start making my own skin care and makeup?
Getting started is quite easy, all you need is a few tools, patience and good info. Now, you could certainly google your way through recipes and try and test them yourself, or you can join me in the Halal Beauty Lab!, I've done all the testing and mistakes so you don't have to!
I have prepared a guide for what you need to get started, if you want access to that and a lot more, then sign up to the email list below! You will be the first to know when classes are happening and get all the tips and hacks of DIY beauty